Theme: Serving Others



The theme is based around a scientist! His desire is to create a body that functions properly. As he creates the body parts, they go through many trials to be able to work together eventually. The Bible paints a vivid picture of how we are all to work together like a body. A working body is something that all children can understand and relate to, which makes it a perfect teaching example.



Boot Camp

Equipping our children with positive ways to be members of the Ultimate "gang". When we are in God's gang, the daily battles of life can be conquered. The theme centres around three young people desperately trying to become a smooth running unit at Boot camp. In the end they learn the importance of listening to their coach, teamwork and being prepared with the right equipment.



Ground Rulz

The School yard is where most kids learn many negative ways of behaving. Peers are very powerful in either a negative or positive form. This module aims to challenge children to function differently in the school yard, to make "peer pressure" into a positive force in their lives and others. Love is not just fun and games, as our characters find out. True friendship is hard work but worth it in the end.



Lost Heroes

The “Real Heroes” in this world are not always the rich and famous. God sees the potential of being a hero in everyone. The teaching looks at characters in the Bible that learnt this, sometimes the hard way and give us key Biblical principles of what God values in a true hero.




The mission is impossible without God. But what is the mission? It is about equipping our children to be a part of a bigger master plan and to help them to be ready to share with all who will listen.
