
Designed for Sunday School, Kid's Church & Holiday camps, this material provides both the framework and the resources to create active learning experiences for kids from ages 8 to 12 years old.

The whole Bible in 4 years

The full 4 year curriculum features Lesson Plans, Activities, Games, Songs, Dramas and Stories.

Each of the 16 modules (around 10 weeks each) explore a theme, using key stories from different parts of the Bible.

Completing all 16 modules will give children both a strong understanding of the entire Bible AND the overarching story of salvation through Jesus.

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Faithful, flexible, thoughtful and affordable, this series is focused strongly on the child and the most effective ways to teach them.

Kids actively participate in a variety of different ways in every session, creating powerful learning experiences and opening the door to meaningful faith encounters.

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Get a full module - or a single song

We have a huge library of Sunday School Curriculum resources, including Lesson Plans, Activities, Games, Songs, Dramas and Stories.

You can simply go with our programme, term by term, or you can browse through the full suite of resources by Scripture reference, Bible Character or Themes and create your own experiences.

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This material has been tested and refined over the last two decades. It will equip your church to teach your kids effectively, with the aim of creating meaningful and lasting faith experiences that carry them through their whole life.

Amazing value, flexible options

All of our resources can be used by all teachers in your group
for all children in your group for as many years as you want*

Special Offer

1 week

You get 1 full week bundle from one of our 10 week modules, including lesson plans, songs, dramas etc

$15 Value

Pack 1


12 credits

Will get you a 1 week bundle

Choose a week bundle or songs, lesson plans, dramas etc.

Pack 2


50 credits

Will get you a 1 term module

Choose a term bundle or a selection of weekly bundles, songs, lesson plans etc.

Pack 3


200 credits

Will get you 1 whole year

Choose 4 term bundles or a selection of bundles, songs, lesson plans etc.

Purchase only as many credits as you need and use them any time you like.

Excellent curriculum material which provides well-prepared thematic sessions for primary aged children... (which) will bless and minister to your children and teachers.

Carolyn Boyd, Ministry to Children Seminar, Melbourne

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