You First - Song 9: Start Again

You First: Song 9

Start Again

Run the race of life, run the race to finish
God has a race just for you
Oh when you take a fall,
When you want to quit it
Or make a wrong turn or two
There's always a chance to start again
There's always a chance to start again

When you're running the race of life
It's so easy to fall
We feel like we mess up all of the time
End up getting left behind
Feel embarrassed and sore
That's when we need to get back up
And run once more
Lean into God and start again
He'll always help, just start again

When you're running the race of life
It's so easy to quit
It gets so hard that you want to stop
When you feel like giving up
Know that you're not alone
God will give you the strength you need
To keep on going on
Lean into God and start again
He'll always help, just start again

When you're running the race of life
You can take a wrong turn
You find you're wandering right off the track
End up getting in trouble
You feel you’ve made a mistake
That's when we need to turn to God
And ask for help
Lean into God and start again
He'll always help, just start again


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